Ceylinco Life Dominates IASL’s Life Insurance Awareness Month Competition

Sales professionals of Ceylinco Life demonstrated their prowess in emphatic fashion at an industry-wide competition that concluded recently ,taking the top spot, half of the top 10 places and nearly a quarter of the top 100 places.

The competition was conducted by the Insurance Association of Sri Lanka (IASL) in connection with its Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM) initiative every September and is open to life insurance salespeople from all companies. The awards for the 2017 competition winners were presented at the National Forum for Life Insurance Advisors (NAFLIA) 2018 Insurance Congress.

Ceylinco Life’s S. K. A. S. Perera was the overall winner of the competition and was one of five representatives of the company among the top 10. The others in the top 10 were H. A. D. S. Nilanthi who was placed 3rd, S. A. S. Chandralal who was placed 4th, N. L. Fernando who was placed 6th and K. A. D. N. R. Pushpa who was placed 10th in the competition.

Of the top 100 winners declared by the IASL, 23 were from Ceylinco Life, the country’s life insurance market leader for the past 14 years.

“Ceylinco Life has always promoted professionalism and ethics as two core values for sales professionals, and our market leadership is attributable in large measure to our sales team,” the company’s Managing Director, R. Renganathan said. “We congratulate all winners across all companies for their efforts to increase awareness of life insurance and say well done to our own winners who have kept the Ceylinco Life flag flying high,” he added.

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